How to Take Care of Old Parents in India?

Traditionally, it is the duty of children to look after the old parents as they grow old. Due to old age, the elders face a weakening of physical and mental health. Apart from the changes in appearance, they are often facing difficulty in visual ability as well. Thus, one or the other member of the family needs to be present with them to look after every need and care for them.
Care for elderly at home
There are certain daily activities of care for elderly at home where they may require a little support. For instance, feeling, moving, dressing, bathing, showering, personal hygiene, and, many more. Besides, some of them need assisting aids like walking sticks, etc. If one or the other adult member of the family is present throughout the day with them, then there is a possibility that they can be taken care of elderly at home.
But what if you are supposed to stay away from them?
What if the work demands you to travel overseas or maybe you need to shift with your spouse due to a sudden transfer? How about you leaving the elders to embark on your career or studies in another city? These are just some incidents that prevent the elders from getting the much-wanted assistance from the adult members of the family.
Such conditions are not only stressful but become a cause of concern of care for elderly at home as well as the other family members. Moreover, in today’s fast pace and busy life, you cannot rely on your relatives, friends, siblings, or domestic help to handle all the tasks for the elders. Thus, the feeling of loneliness, sorrow, and emptiness lingers around the elders, especially in the case of a grief-stricken single elder in the family who has lost his or her spouse.
When you leave the elders alone, there are a whole lot of jobs that they need to perform for survival apart from daily wants. When left all by themselves, the elders will be burdened to perform several tasks on their own such as cleaning, maintaining the house, managing bills, buying groceries, medicines, visiting doctors, undergoing a medical test, driving, and many more endless chorus jobs. So, you can look for health care services to maintain the proper health services and home health care of elders.
Do you think elders can handle everything?
Do you think elders can handle everything on their own when you are not there? Will they eat or skip their meals? How will they manage to do all household chores and visit the doctor? What if they require a medical emergency? The list of such concerning issues is endless because there is no one behind you to look after them.
Best health care services:
When it comes to choosing health care services for older adults, it can help to first take a look at what type of care the individual in question needs. After all, not everyone needs the same things, which is why some older adults may have specific needs that can be satisfied by one type of service while the same person could use a completely different type of service. It will also help to consider the fact that everyone has different levels of physical ability. This is important because some forms of help may be more difficult than others.
How to take care of old parents in India?
To answer the above-mentioned question, there is a sudden need for someone who can eliminate the worries and stress. It is a wake-up call, we need not leave the elders alone at home. We need to give due care and attention to them anyhow. Therefore, the answer to these questions rests on some trustworthy, safe, secure, and connected approach wherein elders are being cared for well.
Best platform for home care:
Emoha is one such platform that gives hopes and wings to solve your problems. Emoha provides home care services, home health care as well as home care nursing services to the elders. There are trained attendants, nurses, and even visiting doctors who look after the elders with care and compassion. Thus, from cooking, gardening, bill payment, groceries, medical assistance, to doctor’s visits, Emoha has made life easy with its premium home care services for elders.
Help in daily activities:
So whether it is checking temperature, feeding, or helping in daily activities, Emoha’s team helps the elders in every way they can with the best of their abilities and efforts. Besides, giving on-time home care services, home health care services as well as home care nursing services, Emoha is a connected community of elders who regularly interact and keep updated about each other. Emoha also conducts various online and offline activities to keep up the spirit of entertainment and engagement high. Songs night, hobbies, movies, virtual events, etc. are some of the activities that are regularly conducted. Without even stepping out of the house, elders can enjoy the comfort of their home.
Fulfill daily needs:
It can be said the Emoha combines the comfort of providing not only patient care services to fulfill daily needs but also keeps the elders happy, joyous, and cheerful by keeping them connected. In the end, it can be said that Emoha is what you need when you are leaving your elders alone at home, be it during the day, night, weeks, months, or years. A trustworthy, safe and secure environment is what you derive from Emoha that concerns the health, fitness, mental health, and emotional health of the elders.
To know about their home care services and health care services, feel free to reach out to the best services.
Finding the best home care services for elders
It is very important to take care of your parents because it is your responsibility. There are many ways to show your love and dedication for them and this includes providing them with all the necessary services they need.
Once you have understood what you actually need, it is the correct time to decide which home care service or health services right for you and find out the best health care services providers. No doubt, it is quite tricky to trust your home care or personal care to an unknown whom you don’t know personally. Whether you directly engage a home health care service provider or work through an agency, you need to do some research by taking advice from family, friends, and neighbors.
Reputed health care service providers demand a huge amount from the applicants. Since the beginning the caretaker passionately works for the agency, they also take care of billing and tax issues. Every caregiver bonded with the agency because of such issues of theft. If a caregiver left the job or is not working properly, the home health care agency can easily replace it with a new person.
Get the best home care deal:
One factor to consider is whether your elderly loved one will need daily medical assistance. This includes medication reminders, assistance with basic tasks like bathing and dressing, and even medical transportation. You should also look at the cost of home care and determine if the private care for elderly at home provider offers assistance with these services. Some providers offer their patients’ transportation to doctor appointments or help with getting to and from doctor appointments and nursing home. These services can add up quickly, especially for a disabled senior citizen, so you want to make sure that you are getting the best deal for the money.
Types of home care
When it comes to looking for home care for older adults, there are a number of different options. Many people may think that this is something that can only be provided by a nursing home or some other long term care facility, but this simply is not true. There are many ways to provide home care for older adults on a daily basis, including being able to help out in the home, running errands, and even helping out at work. Many older adults may not immediately realize how much help they can actually get from somewhere else.
However, different types of home care services may provide different needs but their goals are quite the same. They want to make their patients happier, more independent, and to provide more power and peace of mind for their families.
· Personal care and companionship:
This health care helps with everyday activities such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals, and, another household task. It enables safety and independence.
· Private duty nursing care:
This is a long-term process, hourly nursing care at home for older adults who are suffering from chronic illness, injury, or disability.
· Home health care:
It is short-term health care. Doctors will direct how to take care of the patients and they also designed care to help a patient prevent or recover from an illness, injury, or hospital stay.
Examples of care services:
Knowing how to take care of old parents is very important because this can actually make a big difference in their lives. If you are not going to spend time with them, then they will not feel that you are not nearby and this may trigger depression in them. There are also facilities where you can stay overnight and provide your assistance. These services are very important and useful, so try to get one for your loved one.
Personal care and companionship may include-
- They do personal care like bathing, dressing, grooming, cleansing, and using the toilet.
- Getting in and out of the patients from the bed or wheelchair.
- They do every meal planning and preparation, medication reminders, laundry, light housekeeping.
- Beneficial to seniors who suffer from Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases.
Private duty nursing care services may include-
- Ventilator care
- Care for brain injury
- Care for spinal cord injury
- Monitoring every sign
- Gastrostomy care
- Timely Feeding
- Administering medicines
Home health care services may include-
- Home health care does short-term nursing services
- Different physical therapies
- Other occupational therapies
- Medical works
- Pain management
- Injections
- Monitoring serious illness
Home health care and in-home care services in detail:
“Home health care” and “in-home care” these two words are quite similar and most people assume that they are the same thing.
But they are not the same at all. They have differences. Now I am going to explain what is home health care and what is in-home care?
Home health care:
Home health care is medical care as this is skilled from medical professionals and requires a doctor’s consent.
This health care helps senior citizens recover at home from a serious health problem.
Home health care is actually less expensive and more convenient. It is very much effective as a hospital care or skilled nursing facility.
In-home care:
In-home care services are non-medical. It primarily helps older adults with daily activities of living and personal care.
The main goal of in-home care service is to keep the patient safe and comfortable in their own home.
In-home care patients get help with personal grooming like bathing, dressing, medication reminders, preparing meals, other household works. Also gives the patient 24-hour company.
Similarities between Home health care and in-home care:
In many situations home health care and in-home care works together to help people get cured. It is very good for older adults.
The older adult needs major support with everyday life as well as specialized therapies and other nursing services for their fast recovery.
Many times home care can be provided by either the older adult or a family member. In some cases, the care may come from a professional who works with older adults on a daily basis.
However, there are many other ways that older adult home care can be provided as well. In order to figure out what is best for each case, it will help to talk with the person receiving care about their specific needs and how that care will be accomplished.
Let’s take a look at how home health care and in-home care could work together:
Helping with medication
- A home caregiver helps your old loved one remember to take medicines daily.
- In-home health care service, nurses can change or adjust medicines as needed.
Getting physical therapies
- A professional physical therapist teaches your older adult to do therapeutic exercises to improve their health condition.
- But in-home care, a caregiver is always there to encourage physical exercises every day and help their patient to stay safe.
Another factor to consider is the environment in which the caregiver is providing care in-home. A nursing home is known to be a somewhat sterile environment. This may be OK for your loved one, if the environment is calm, does not involve too much contact with germs, allowing them to concentrate on being comfortable. However, for someone who requires more personal care, such as with a bedridden or disabled senior in a nursing home, it would be better to try a home care agency or daybed for this situation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why we should care for our older adults?
We should definitely care for our parents when they got older and no longer able to care for themselves. It is our responsibility.
Is home care a good option for older adults?
If you stay away from your old parents and conscious about their health you can take the help of various health care agencies or home care. They will provide the best care which your older one needs.
How much do old age homes cost in India?
There many types of old age homes available in India. This will cost 10k to 1 lakh for a couple. Though these costs do not include any medical expenses or any other special expenses.
Is it good to send parents to an old age home?
Obviously, the answer is no, it is not good to send them or separate them from another family member. But if you have no other option because of your work you can send them home.
What are the 3 different types of healthcare providers?
The three different types of healthcare providers involved in primary care, nursing care, and special care.