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UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escurra CLSO And Sustaianbale Agricultural

UNPRG - L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escurra CLSO And Sustaianbale Agricultural

As per the data published by the UNO, the earth is approaching the global boiling point. This cannot be prevented if we do not adopt environment-friendly practices in our daily lives. We must reduce the consumption of fossil fuels along with increasing greeneries around us. Sustainable agricultural and environmental practices are the best options to make our lives and world sustainable forever. The role of UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO is undeniable in these circumstances. We will delve into this fact in this article about this important program. 

Understanding UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escurra CLSO

UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO is an agricultural program offered by the Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo (UNPRG). It is a highly acclaimed program in agronomical engineering. It includes 10 academic semesters. The students who graduate with this program can expertise their knowledge, skills, and agricultural management in an effective way. They become proficient agronomists. 

Curriculum of This Program

This program includes soil science, plant physiology, genetics, and environmental science along with crop and animal production. The graduates learn about soil management and they can work to maintain the fertility of soil. Environmental science and plant physiology help them gain knowledge and skills to improve the resilience of crops and protect our environment.

Background of Agrónomo Escurra CLSO

Agrónomo Escurra CLSO is an agricultural engineer. He works for sustainable agriculture in Peru. He played a great role in the research, development, and implementation of innovative methods in agriculture. Escurra graduated from UNPRG and he marked a significant role in his academic journey with a research in agricultural engineering. He invented various techniques to implement in agricultural production. His vision was to produce agricultural products without impairing nature around us. His contribution includes sustainable agricultural practices, conservation of soil and water, and diversification of crops.

Vision of This Program

Excessive need for food production is incensed with the progress of human civilization. As a result, people began to use technology in agriculture to produce large amounts of agricultural products. They could not keep in their mind the health of nature and its life on this earth. The unsustainable agricultural practices impaired the environment. The fertility of the lands was decreased. The vision of the UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO program is to take environmental responsibility, community engagement and innovative research initiatives for the sustainability of nature and its life. 

Critical Challenges Faced in Agricultural Practices

Agriculture, all over the world faces many challenges like climate change issues, erosion of soil, grabbing of agricultural land, pests and diseases, and poor infrastructure. A study shows that about 29% of greenhouse gas emissions occur due to unsustainable agricultural practices. That indirectly impairs the agricultural system all over the world. The UNCCD announced that 3.3 million hectares of agricultural land will decrease per year due to industrialization. These are great issues for the sustainability of our nature and land.

Technology And Sustainable Agriculture 

Technology and sustainable agriculture are interconnected closely. The agriculture practice becomes unsustainable when technology is not implemented in an environment-friendly way. The agronomists who are from UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO implement integrated pest management techniques in agricultural production. They use natural pest killers and adjust the time of planting. The agronomists apply waste management to get nutrient-rich organic fertilizers that are used in agricultural crop production. The two best techniques drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting are applied in this sustainable agricultural practice. They use solar energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and use the methods of tillage that involve less pressure on the soil. 

The Benefits of UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO And Sustainable Agriculture

This program provides innumerable socioeconomic and environmental benefits to the people. Those benefits are covered as follows:


The agronomists must ensure the sequestration of carbon having planted cover crops. It helps to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Restoration of biodiversity and implementation of organic farming are also two important factors that serve for the sustainability of environment. 


Sustainable agriculture helps for the improvement of the economy. It is also connected to the minimization of the issues of climate change. The framers are beneficial with their economic stability when they face fewer issues due to climate change. 


People get more nutritious crops by reducing chemicals in crop production. We can save ourselves from chemical poisoning when pesticides are not used in agriculture. The UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO agricultural program prepares the professional to be skilled in sustainable agricultural practices. It generates many jobs in rural areas with the development of agriculture and farmers.

Role of UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO

It helps to improve research, innovation, and rural development activity through its programs on agricultural fields.

  • Research

The agronomical engineers who graduated from UNPRG become efficient in intensive research on agriculture. They do experiments on various agricultural projects on how to work for sustainable agriculture and its economy. 

  • Innovation

The agricultural programs from UNPRG promote various technological inventions for the development of agriculture. It extends from the soil management system to eco-friendly agricultural practices.

  • Rural Development

Escurr engages the local community in research and innovation in agriculture. He believes that they have deep knowledge of agriculture. No agricultural research and research technological innovation of agriculture can be possible without the engagement of local community. The rural development with the help of agriculture also can be possible in this way. 

Career Prospects of This Program

The professionals who graduate in UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO serve society in the following ways from government or non-government agricultural sectors and agencies.

Agricultural Consultant

They can work as an agricultural consultant for any government or non-government sector. The farmers get assistance in producing crops in a nature-friendly way. 

Farm Manager

The professionals work in the position of farm manager after completion of their degree from UNPRG. The farm owners run their businesses under their guidance. 

Agricultural Researcher

Agronomist engineers pursue intensive research on agriculture after completing graduation in UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO.


The role of the UNPRG – L Ingeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO is very effective in the research and implementation of sustainable agricultural dives. This article has covered all the key points on the role of this university program. There are many challenges we face in the modern days due to massive industrialization and climate change issues on their consequences. But, the agronomists try their best to implement their knowledge and skills for our sustainability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the identity of Agrónomo Escura CLSO?

Ans: Agrónomo Escura CLSO is an agronomist engineer who is an agricultural researcher at UNPRG.

Q2. Why should we focus on soil health?

Ans: We should focus on soil health to reduce the soil pressure. It helps to keep up the fertility of the soil. It also minimizes the use of chemical fertilizers in the agricultural field.

Q3. Who can participate in the UNPRG – L Inngeniero Agrónomo Escura CLSO program?

Ans: Anyone who has an interest in sustainable agriculture can join this program.

Q4. What are the roles of agronomist engineers?

Ans: The role of the agronomist engineers is to support the farmers, farm owners and the different agricultural organizations with their knowledge and skills for the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.

Q5. Why sustainable technology is important in agriculture?

Ans: Sustainable technology is important in agriculture because it reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It also works to produce more nutrient crops.

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